On the announcement of early elections by Shavkat Mirziyoyev

On April 30 of this year, a constitutional referendum was held in Uzbekistan, which significantly increased the term of government of the head of state (from 5 years to 7).

According to the current legislation of the state, the current President can be elected for 2 terms of 7 years.

Despite the fact that the end of the Uzbek President reign would fall in 2026, he announced his refusal of the remaining term and his desire to again participate in the election campaign to take the presidential chair. Since the new Constitution came into force on the May holidays, the next elections were scheduled for early July 2023.

Mirziyoyev announced to the citizens of the state that the introduction of the new Constitution will make them more secure, endowed with greater powers and legal protection.

As a result of the elections, Sh. Mirziyoyev again became the President of Uzbekistan and will rule until 2030. The new Constitution promises citizens:

  • abolition of the death penalty;
  • immunity of citizens of Uzbekistan. Their extradition to foreign countries is now prohibited;
  • reduction of the senatorial chamber;
  • prohibition of forced labor and exploitation of child labor.

This and much more is reflected in the new Constitution of Uzbekistan, which covers all areas of citizens’ life.

Statement by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to his citizens

In a speech to the electorate, the head of state said that he was proud of his people. The new Constitution was approved by an overwhelming majority, the percentage of those agreeing reached 90.

The President promised in the near future:

  • updating the range of social services for socially vulnerable people and people with disabilities;
  • “reconciliation” of ethnic diasporas on the territory of Uzbekistan.

For a long time, Shavkat Mirziyoyev was the undisputed leader. While holding the post of Prime Minister, he was distinguished by his progressiveness and breadth of views on many aspects of government.

Some politicians are concerned about the frequent amendments to the Constitution, but despite criticism from election observers, the President continued to assert that the introduction of new reforms will benefit the state, as they will help make government better, and the people happier and more confident in the future day.

His position is very stable; the man believes that nothing threatens him. Currently, among the opposition there is no rival worthy of competing with the current President.